BCC Bear

B.C. Cate Elementary School

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BCC Grizzly Pics

B.C. Cate Families,

We can now ROAR with Grizzly pride and display Respect, Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility. 

B.C. Cate Elementary School and Hanlon Elementary School have been in collaboration the past few years to build a system to incorporate a uniform P.B.I.S. (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support program), Code of Conduct, Character Education Program, and Social Emotional learning strategies to support ALL elementary students. The design of this project centered around the Vision Statement of the Odessa-Montour Central School District to: "Engage, Empower, and Educate every student, every day".

We are proud to announce that after several years of planning this project is now complete. Our teams felt that it was important to carefully collect feedback from the few thousand stakeholders that this was being designed for. This feedback was gathered from a plethora of areas to include but not limited to Student Advisory Groups, Building Leadership Teams, Parent Focus Groups, School Counseling Services, PFO functions, and a multitude of one-on-one conversations. 

The biggest piece of this project was designing a "Matrix" to support our students. In the attached pictures you will see this matrix along with a multitude of other resources. With your feedback we will now use the acronym R.O.A.R (Respectful, Ownership, Accountable, Responsible) to support our little grizzlies. You may notice the grizzly bear character in the photos is different than the district's new logo. As a district we all utilize the logo that was introduced to you a few months ago as we transitioned away from the Indians to the Grizzlies. We are all still the Grizzlies, the new bear you will see around B.C. Cate is the little cub version geared specifically for our elementary students. 

A special thank you to all that have worked so hard on this project including the financial support of our P.F.O. Our administration truly values all the feedback that was provided on this project from our Students, Staff, Faculty, Parents, B.C. Cate/Hanlon Parent Faculty Organization, Special Services, and our Community Partners.


Mr. Nolan

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BC Cate Elementary


BC Cate Elementary

262 Canal St, Montour Falls, NY 14865

Grades: PreK - 2
Principal: James Nolan
Phone: (607) 535-7267

"Our commitment to excellence prepares students for life."

Mr. James Nolan

BC Cate Elementary

Mr. James Nolan grew up in the Adirondack Region of New York. He attended Corning Community College and went on to pursue a career in law enforcement as a state trooper for several years. Mr. Nolan then attended Elmira College, State University of New York at Cortland and Brockport University for his education and administration degrees. Prior to his tenure at O-M as a building administrator, Mr. Nolan was an elementary teacher in Odessa-Montour and Elmira Heights.

 Outside of school, Mr. Nolan enjoys spending time with his family and they participate in numerous outdoor activities together. His children keep him very busy with their involvement in several school and travel sports teams. Mr. Nolan also devotes a lot of his time to coaching youth sports, with a focus on hockey.

 Mr. Nolan strongly believes that “It takes a community to raise a child”. He strives to involve all stakeholders in the day-to-day operations at school. This, along with partnerships within our community, has made B.C. Cate Elementary School one of the finest in the region. 

"At Odessa-Montour, we strive to engage, empower and educate."